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Master cyber security with the unstoppable force of AI


As cyber threats evolve in complexity, organisations must deploy advanced strategies to protect their data and infrastructure. By integrating Artificial Intelligence technologies into their cyber security protocols, businesses can proactively defend against malicious actors and secure their assets effectively. In this article we explore the key benefits to be gained by leveraging AI within your cyber security strategy.

Behavioural biometrics and user authentication

Continuous authentication: AI analyses user behaviour, such as typing speed, mouse movements, and device usage patterns to create a unique behavioural profile for continuous authentication. If an anomaly occurs, such as sudden access from an unfamiliar location, AI triggers alerts or additional authentication steps.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): AI enhances MFA by dynamically adjusting security levels based on risk. For instance, if a user logs in from a recognised device, MFA may be less stringent. Conversely, if the login appears suspicious, AI prompts for additional factors like SMS codes or biometrics.

Threat intelligence and predictive analytics

Threat intelligence feeds: AI aggregates data from various sources, including the dark web, security vendors, and open-source intelligence, to provide real-time threat intelligence. It identifies emerging threats, zero-day vulnerabilities, and malicious domains.

Predictive analytics for zero-day attacks: AI models predict potential zero-day vulnerabilities by analysing historical attack patterns and software weaknesses, allowing businesses to proactively patch or mitigate risks.

Early warning systems: AI monitors network traffic, system logs, and user behaviour to detect anomalies that could indicate a breach. Early warnings enable rapid incident response and reduce damage.

Automated Security Operations (SecOps)

Security orchestration and automation: AI streamlines incident response workflows by automating repetitive tasks like log analysis, ticket creation, and threat containment, allowing SecOps teams to focus on strategic decisions.

SIEM (Security Information and Event Management): AI-powered SIEM platforms analyse vast amounts of security data, correlate events, detect patterns, and prioritise alerts. This reduces false positives and enhances threat detection.

Threat hunting assistants: AI assists threat hunters by suggesting relevant queries, analysing historical data, and identifying hidden threats. This accelerates investigations and helps uncover sophisticated attacks.

Threat detection and response

AI for threat identification: AI excels at pattern recognition and anomaly detection, analysing vast amounts of data to identify subtle deviations from normal behaviour and flag potential threats. Machine learning models learn from historical data to recognise new attack patterns.

Automated threat response: AI-driven automation allows for rapid, consistent responses to threats, such as automatically blocking suspicious IP addresses, quarantining compromised devices, or triggering incident response workflows.

Behavioural analytics: AI monitors user behaviour to detect anomalies, identifying unusual login patterns, privilege escalation, or data exfiltration. This analysis helps prevent insider threats and external attacks.

Vulnerability management

Predictive analytics: AI forecasts potential vulnerabilities based on historical data, assessing software, network, and system weaknesses to prioritise critical patches and help businesses stay ahead of emerging threats.

Automated scanning: AI-driven vulnerability scanners continuously assess networks, applications, and endpoints to identify vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and outdated software, reducing manual effort and ensuring comprehensive coverage.

Risk assessment: AI calculates risk scores for different assets, considering factors like asset importance, exploitability, and potential impact to help businesses allocate resources effectively.

Proactive defence and threat hunting

Generative AI (GenAI): GenAI creates simulated attack scenarios, allowing businesses to test their defences proactively. It generates realistic threats to help organisations identify weak points and improve their security posture.

AI-assisted threat hunting: Security analysts use AI tools to hunt for hidden threats. AI correlates data from various sources, identifies suspicious patterns, and guides investigations, helping to uncover advanced persistent threats (APTs) and zero-day vulnerabilities.

Streamlined analyst experience: AI interprets natural language, assisting analysts in decision-making, providing context, and reducing alert fatigue, enabling them to focus on high-value activities rather than repetitive tasks.

Next steps

With expertise in both AI and cyber security, Doherty Associates offers tailored solutions to help you fortify your organisation’s defences and stay ahead of emerging threats. We can help you unlock the full potential of AI in cyber security and safeguard your digital assets with confidence. Get in touch to book your free consultation.

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